
Methods of elimination of toothache at home.

Toothache occurs at the most inopportune moment and can cause considerable discomfort and impair the quality of life. Toothache is divided into different types: aching, sharp, rasping, throbbing, and growing.

Bone plasty in dentistry

Bone grafting is necessary when there is insufficient bone to place an implant. There are cases when a patient has been missing a tooth for years, resulting in bone atrophy. In this case, additional manipulations such as bone grafting or sinus-levator may be necessary.

How to choose the right toothbrush?

Everyone, probably at least once in their lives, has wondered how to choose the right toothbrush. Today we're going to tell you about the basic types and principles that a toothbrush should meet, and we hope that this information will help you in your further choice.