Temporomandibular Joint Treatment With Biolase Laser

The information provided in the article cannot be used for diagnosis, treatment and does not replace a doctor's consultation.

How does low-level laser therapy help with mandibular joint disorders?

Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) restores and reduces pain in TMJ disorders.

How does laser therapy help with TMJ dysfunction?

Low level laser therapy (LLLT) is a treatment with infrared light delivered directly to the site of temporomandibular joint disorder.  We use only the best Biolase equipment, using the latest and most advanced laser therapy technology.

How does low-level laser therapy work?

Laser therapy is performed by a physician or physician assistant, greatly improving tissue repair, reducing pain and inflammation wherever the laser beam is used.

LLLT uses infrared light therapy at the cellular level. Laser therapy increases blood flow, increasing the flow of oxygen, glucose and nutrients to the affected muscles. Stimulates the patient's own healing process and speeds up healing time. Protons stimulate collagen production, helping ligaments and tissues to become stronger faster, reduces free radicals and oxidative stress, increases cellular metabolism and significantly reduces pain. also heals the nerves surrounding the jaw disc.

What are the benefits of laser therapy?

1.) Accelerates healing and significantly reduces long-term pain without the use of drugs or Botox injections.

2.) Improves the health of the damaged jaw disc and speeds up recovery time in a non-invasive way and without surgery.

3.) Helps improve range of motion and physical function.

4.) Because it is painless, it can be applied to very painful muscles and joints without causing additional trauma

5.) Applies to all ages

6.) No side effects

How safe is low level laser therapy?

Low-level laser therapy is a safe, painless, simply comfortable application of infrared light. It does not produce heat, does not damage cells, and does not burn the skin or surrounding tissues.

How long does each session take?

Treatments take about 10 minutes and should be done two or more times a week, although the number of sessions needed depends on the individual.

When (LLLT) may not be effective?

Low level cold lasers have limited power and therefore cannot always effectively treat deeply damaged areas of the disc.  If this is the case, your qualified specialist will advise you on alternative treatments.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation at Pechersk Mary Care Clinic to learn how low-level laser therapy can benefit you and provide relief.

Each clinical case is unique so it is impossible to immediately predict how many sessions are needed to get results.

On average, 3-5 visits are needed. The sequence of visits is prescribed directly by the specialist.

Also the use of silicone material for the treatment of the TMJD is mandatory, in order to keep the distance between the upper and lower jaws, which is 1-2 mm when the jaw is at rest. It is also very important to remove the upper wisdom teeth, because they can put pressure on the TMJ and create painful sensations.

If you follow all of the above recommendations then the result will not make you and us wait long.